Dr Rose Spencer

Chartered Counselling Psychologist

Rose has over a decade of experience of working with adults, children and their families. Alongside her research and private practice, Rose works as a Perinatal Psychologist in the NHS in a mother and baby inpatient unit and community service. She has experience of working with parents with a range of difficulties, including anxiety, depression, psychosis, OCD and trauma. Rose has a specialist interest in attachment and perinatal mental health and working with families therapeutically to enhance the emotional wellbeing of parents and infants.

Rose has a strong background in developmental psychology. She has researched and studied in the field of infant mental health and parent-infant relationships for many years. In this area of work, she gives lectures, teaches and trains clinicians and researchers internationally.

Rose is a sensitive and compassionate psychologist and strives to empower parents and build their resilience and resources when facing emotional difficulties. When working with adults, she draws upon a range of therapeutic perspectives including CBT, DBT, mindfulness, psychodynamic, mentalizing and attachment models.

She works with women during pregnancy and the post-natal period and has specialist skills in working with mothers, fathers and their infants. She is highly trained in using video-feedback to help parents get to know their baby and understand their child’s, and their own, nonverbal and embodied communication. Rose is trained in the attachment-based intervention Circle of Security-Parenting and is Certified in Baby Massage. Through thoughtful assessments and formulations, Rose individually tailors her practice and provides a range of models to help parents, their children and their relationship strengthen.

Rose is registered with the BPS and HCPC and can offer individual and parent-infant sessions in Central London and video-conference (Zoom).

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020 3494 4140

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